2020 Gallery
During the Coronavirus lockdown we've asked everyone to send photos of their daily walks to us for publication here.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in their photos so far. If you would like to contribute please just email them to [email protected] All images are by Bernard Novell unless otherwise stated. |
A slideshow of lots of panoramas taken during the lockdown can be found by clicking the image below.
30th August.
Coffee Stop on the Holies for Jackie, Jo & Debbie (plus the person behind the camera)
Coffee Stop on the Holies for Jackie, Jo & Debbie (plus the person behind the camera)
Sunday 2nd August
Lough Down, Lardon Chase, Holies
Lough Down, Lardon Chase, Holies
Tuesday 28th July
A morning walk along the Kennet & Avon Canal from Hungerford to Little Bedwin
A morning walk along the Kennet & Avon Canal from Hungerford to Little Bedwin
Monday 13th July
A rather strenuous circular walk from Turville Heath
A rather strenuous circular walk from Turville Heath
Friday 3rd July
A circular walk from Ewelme
A circular walk from Ewelme
Saturday 7th June
A tortuous route (due to a locked gate) to and through Great Chalk Wood via Cow Hill and Whitehills Green. Worth it though!
A tortuous route (due to a locked gate) to and through Great Chalk Wood via Cow Hill and Whitehills Green. Worth it though!
Thursday 28th May
Today we ventured out of the village to walk part of the Ridgeway beside Grim's Ditch to Nuffield and then returned via Hailey. Shame the King William was closed but we found a nice picnic spot with rewarding views.
Today we ventured out of the village to walk part of the Ridgeway beside Grim's Ditch to Nuffield and then returned via Hailey. Shame the King William was closed but we found a nice picnic spot with rewarding views.
Thursday 21st May
Morning walk up Ickneild, Beech Lane, Wroxhills Wood and back via Elvendon, Battle & Cow Hill
Morning walk up Ickneild, Beech Lane, Wroxhills Wood and back via Elvendon, Battle & Cow Hill
Wednesday 20th May
An evening walk along Elvendon Road, returning via Wroxhills Wood and Icknield Road. Lovely evening light.
An evening walk along Elvendon Road, returning via Wroxhills Wood and Icknield Road. Lovely evening light.
Friday 15th May
Walk up to The Holies via The Coombe and return via Vicarage Lane
Walk up to The Holies via The Coombe and return via Vicarage Lane
Wednesday 13th May
Thames Path from Streatley to Cleeve Lock and return
Thames Path from Streatley to Cleeve Lock and return
Saturday 9th May
John Turner took this lovely scene on The Holies this morning.
John Turner took this lovely scene on The Holies this morning.
Friday 8th May
Gatehampton Road to BBOWT @ Hartstock & back to see the Orchids
Gatehampton Road to BBOWT @ Hartstock & back to see the Orchids
Thursday 7th May
Icknield, Wroxhills, Elvendon Priory, Potkiln Lane, Crays Pond, Blackbirds Bottom, Cold Harbour, Great Chalk Wood, Cemetery, Cow Hill - 6 miles
Icknield, Wroxhills, Elvendon Priory, Potkiln Lane, Crays Pond, Blackbirds Bottom, Cold Harbour, Great Chalk Wood, Cemetery, Cow Hill - 6 miles
Monday 4th May
Cow Hill, Cemetry, Great Chalk Wood, Cold Harbour, Blackbirds Bottom, Crays Pond, Elvendon Priory
Cow Hill, Cemetry, Great Chalk Wood, Cold Harbour, Blackbirds Bottom, Crays Pond, Elvendon Priory
Tuesday 28th April
Cow Hill by Graham Faul
Cow Hill by Graham Faul
Monday 27th April
Hartslock, via Manor Road, to see the Orchids
Hartslock, via Manor Road, to see the Orchids
Sunday 26th April
Debbie Hendeson's Wroxhills Wood bluebells
Debbie Hendeson's Wroxhills Wood bluebells
Saturday 25th April
Jackie French's Hartslock Orchids
Jackie French's Hartslock Orchids
Thursday 23rd April
Judy & Bernard's Golf Course alternative
Judy & Bernard's Golf Course alternative
Tuesday 21st April
Unhill Bluebells and Garlic - Downloadable video slideshow with music accompaniment
Music: When Summer Comes Again by Simon Mayor & Hilary James
Unhill Bluebells and Garlic - Downloadable video slideshow with music accompaniment
Music: When Summer Comes Again by Simon Mayor & Hilary James
Sunday 19th April
Photos of The Holies by Graham Faul
Photos of The Holies by Graham Faul
Saturday 18th April
Photos by Bernard Novell
Photos by Bernard Novell
Easter Monday 13th April
Photos by Bernard Novell
Photos by Bernard Novell
Easter Sunday 12th April
Photos by Bernard Novell
Photos by Bernard Novell
Saturday 11th April
Photos by Bernard Novell
Photos by Bernard Novell
A little slideshow of our 'walk in the woods' while taking our permitted exercise yesterday evening.
Friday 10th April
Wednesday 8th April
Tuesday 7th April
Photos by Sue Hookway (Wroxhills Wood) and Torkill Fozzard (Reading University)
Photos by Sue Hookway (Wroxhills Wood) and Torkill Fozzard (Reading University)
Photos by Bernard Novell - Thames Path
Bonnie Roberts sent these three in from her dog walks
Monday 6th April
Photos by Tim Janes - Common Wood
Photos by Tim Janes - Common Wood
Sunday 5th April
Photos by Bernard Novell - Mostly Gatehampton via Manor Road including BBOWT reserve at Hartslock
Photos by Jennie Wood - view and three pigs
Photos by Bernard Novell - Mostly Gatehampton via Manor Road including BBOWT reserve at Hartslock
Photos by Jennie Wood - view and three pigs
Saturday 4th April
Photos by Torkill Fozzard - Reading University
Photos by Torkill Fozzard - Reading University
Friday 3rd April
Photos by Bernard Novell
Photos by Bernard Novell
Thursday 2nd April
Photos by Judy Novell, Bernard Novell & Jennie Wood
Photos by Judy Novell, Bernard Novell & Jennie Wood
Tuesday 1st April
Photos by Bernard Novell, Jo Canning & Jennie Wood
Photos by Bernard Novell, Jo Canning & Jennie Wood
Saturday 28th March
Photos by Jennie Wood & Sue Hookway
Photos by Jennie Wood & Sue Hookway
Friday 27th March
Photos by Jennie Wood
Photos by Jennie Wood